Visit a Sikh temple and enjoy free food It is a Sikh temple located in New Delhi, India, known as Gurdwara Moti Bagh Sahib. The temple offers free food to visitors, which is considered an integral part of Sikhism. It promotes equality and provides nourishment to all, regardless of their background or social status. The temple welcomes travelers and provides an inclusive environment to experience Sikh culture and faith. Personal Experience at Gurudwara Moti Bagh Sahib The spirit of volunteerism that exists within the Sikh community was incredible to witness during my visit to Gurudwara Moti Bagh Sahib in New Delhi. Each and every day, extraordinary individuals devote their time and effort to providing meals for over 5000 people. Their commitment and selflessness left a lasting impression on me. I found it heartwarming to see volunteers from all over New Delhi, some coming from far away, come together to serve others early in the morning. Their sacrifice and willingness to serve others epitomized the values of compassion and unity. The experience also caused me to wonder if receiving free things, such as meals, is always a positive experience. There are, however, individuals who rely on these free meals to meet their basic needs. However, there may be others who develop a sense of entitlement and fail to appreciate the value of what they receive without much effort on their part. By visiting Sikh temples such as Gurudwara Moti Bagh Sahib, you will not only experience the Sikh faith and culture, but also witness the principles of compassion, generosity, and community service in action through langar practice. We are reminded of the importance of serving others and promoting equality in our own lives by it. The Sikh Faith The Sikh Faith, Buddhism, and Hinduism Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism share common values and practices, yet each has its unique characteristics. Beliefs: Scriptures: Practices: Spread and Influence: Why is there free food provided in Sikh temples? It is the principle of seva (selfless service) and equality that motivates the practice of offering free food in Sikh temples. In this tradition of langar, the Sikh community serves and provides for anyone in need, regardless of their background or social status. It reflects the values of compassion, generosity, and community spirit that are valued by the Sikh community. Free Food in Hinduism and Buddhism Temples A Hindu’s concept of providing free food differs from temple to temple and region to temple. Though some Hindu temples offer free meals, they are not as widespread or organized as Sikhism’s. Hinduism considers annadanam (food donation) to be virtuous, so devotees often contribute to temples or participate in community feeding programs. There are also instances in Buddhism where free food is offered as part of religious ceremonies. For example, during Buddhist festivals or retreats, communal meals may be provided to participants. Offering food to monks or practitioners is considered a way of accumulating merit and expressing generosity. In each of these religions, free food practices and customs vary from community to community and region to region. Popular Sikh Temple in Delhi Gurudwara Bangla Sahib is one of the most popular Sikh temples in Delhi. It is a place of worship for Sikhs and attracts many devotees and tourists alike to it. It is well known for its beautiful architecture, serene atmosphere, and free meals that are served by the community kitchen. Sikhism’s rich history and teachings are taught at this temple, and people visit here to seek blessings. In addition to hosting various religious ceremonies and events throughout the year, the temple is a vibrant hub of Sikh culture and tradition in Delhi.